Can we look upon another in need and do nothing?

Scripture teaches us the importance of not turning a blind eye to another who is in need, and yet even today we see people look upon another and thinking their kind words will feed the hungry or send one away without a coat and say be warm (James 2:15-18) If a brother or sister be…

Contending with matters

CONTEND- To strive with an opposition, rivalry, to struggle against, dispute, to fight for. We all at one time or another have to contend with things or people we’d rather not, but with God on our side we know we are not alone in the battle. Those who do not like what is right will…

Yahweh’s Joy Is Our Strength

On those dark and painful days of doubt, we sometimes wonder, “Where will I find the strength to carry on? I know that I am weak, and deep down I know that God is my source. But how does it happen? What is the spiritual mechanism that transfers His strength to us? READ MORE.

The faith filled life

What is faith? Belief and trust in the loyalty of God, sincerity of intention’s, Firm belief in something which is unseen and without proof, Complete trust, Being steadfast in a belief, Staying loyal to a promise, an unwaivering conviction. There is a battle to all who are in Christ Jesus and it is the good…

The prince and god of this world

Scripture teaches there are lords and gods many among the people, and as christians we know there is only one God and that is God Almighty creator of heaven and earth! For those who do not believe the gospel of Christ they are blinded to the truth of the word by none other than satan…

The False Vision and the True Vision

Two visions are given in the scriptures concerning this earth today. One is true and is from the Hebrew God Yahweh. And one is false. And both of these visions concerning God and His plan are out there on the airwaves, in cyberspace, and in the pulpits. READ MORE.

The Tree of Life

In this day and age man has come up with many medicines to heal maladies, but unfortunately healing seldom happens and the medicine only covers up the symptom’s of diseases. Praise God there will be a time when the healing of the nations will be a reality! (Revelation 22:1,2) And he shewed me a pure…

God’s Will Is His Harvest

We have seen that Christ’s spiritual meat is spiritual food that gives him strength and power. His spiritual food is “to do the will of Him that sent [Christ] and to finish His work.” Doing the Father’s will is spiritual food for Christ and His body. It is what energizes Him. READ MORE.