The heritage

There is a land prepared for the people of God,a place we inherit from the Lord whom we have served throughout our life called “The city of God”.Others before us through faith confessed just as we do that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth(Hebrews 11:13-16) 13 These all died in faith, not having…


As I came before my God, Lord and Father of all on His day a great sadness filled up my whole being. Tears filled my eyes and rolled down my cheeks as I stilled myself before him on this day. Out of my heart I could hear myself asking my Father many questions about the…


Have you ever wondered how distressed many of those who have gone before us became as they watched in their times the destruction of their countries, their lives, their churches, their faith and families. Many times as the Holy Ghost led me to read of the prophets and others who our blessed Father and Saviour…

A day of reckoning

Our God is a consuming fire and the day will come when He will cleanse the earth once and for all of all unrighteousness. Oh how longsuffering and merciful God is,yet He will not allow the murder’s,rapes,lawlessness and outright hate to continue. The day of reckoning is inevitable on the horizon and the day of…

The fear of God is needed

We do not fear people who do not have power over us, for the Lord Himself has instructed us it is He who has the power to cast our soul into hell,a power no person has the ability to do (Luke 12:4,5). 4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them…

The light outshines the darkness

  The light of Christ shines within the heart of every believer,and they desire nothing that is of the darkness. John the baptist was the forerunner of Jesus and he was a burning and shining light. (John 5:32-36). Pauls testimony was that he was to open the eyes of the people to the truth in…

Knowledge worth having

The knowledge of God has the ability to make one who is poor wiser than the well learned in the wisdom of the world (Ecclesiastes 9:14-18) 14 There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it: 15…

The way of life

When we were young many of us are brought up to believe in Jesus and the importance of having faith in Him. While we retain this belief the way of the world has the ability to cause us to believe other ways that unfortunately take us from the narrow path that leads to life. Thankfully…

LGBTQ……..The slapping of God in the face

There is nothing new under the sun,what has been before will be again. So is the chant of the LGBTQ agenda as they display their love as something new and never seen before, but homosexuality is as old as time(Ecclesiastes 1:9,10). The homosexuals and sodomites of Sodom and Go-mor’-rha mirror our current atmosphere. Everything this…

Mercy and judgment

Just as there are consequences for our actions so it is with God who shows both mercy and judgment in the earth. God is a jealous God who instructs us to serve Him and no other God and to keep His commandments. He visits upon us mercy and judgment for the decisions we make in…