Trials and tribulation are evidence of a righteous journey

There are times throughout life when we feel so alone, and that God seems so far away. When we are persecuted or in distress we then second guess ourselves as to why this is happening, after all we love the Lord. Therein lies the answer! Scripture teaches us persecution will come our way when we…

The Patience Of The Saint’s

In the flesh we are persecuted many times, and it doesn’t take long for our patience to run thin, but as the soldiers of Christ we know patience is more than a virtue! As Christians our patience in dealing with situations are different because we know in our heart the watchful eye of God is…

Suffering As A Christian

 We could ask why would anyone suffer on a cross for the redemption of man, but God knew exactly what He was doing for mankind when sending His only begotten Son to show just how much He loves us. (John 3:16)  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever…