The Power Of The Living God and Christ

It would be hard to understand if we would say we are dead yet are alive, but spiritually this is more than possible by the power of God. For the same Spirit which raised Christ from the grave dwells also in those who believe by the faith they have in Him. (Colossians 3:1-4) If ye…

A citizen of heaven

There is a city God has prepared for those who have lived their life for Him, and although we must make our journey through this life we will one day be a citizen of heaven (Hebrews 11:13-16) These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded…

Where we end, and God begins

The bible is a book of many promises, all of which we can claim from a good and faithful God. It is when we realize that even though we may accomplish many things, it is truly from our faith and understanding we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! When we turn to…

The city of the Lord our God

There is a city which our Father has built for all who truly love and obey Him. When we are born again and receive the Holy Spirit we become fellow citizens of the church of the first born, and become part of the city of the living God (Hebrews 12:22-29) But ye are come unto…

Peaceful thinking

God does not want His children being in constant chaos and disruption, and when we place our faith in Him we find the peace that passes all understanding! His holy spirit is a comfort the world cannot even begin to give us. We are instructed to meditate upon the word and by doing so the…

Life In The Son Of God

we live our life and die, then that is all there is. The sadducees did not believe in life after death either and that Jesus was the resurrection and the life and light of man. Paul knew of the power of Christ’s resurrection and that any gain he had was really a loss for Christ!…

Our hope comes from God, not our circumstances

 How many times do we lose sight of the hope that comes from God only when our circumstances are too overwhelming at the time.No matter what a day brings our way God is still on the throne,and our Lord and saviour sits at His right hand!(Colossians 3:1-4). If ye then be risen with Christ, seek…

Escape To Safety

 It is a hard picture to imagine a world so devastated and desolate, yet it is inevitable with the course of events taking place as man’s heart is set on his endeavors and not Gods. Those who live for God are told to escape to safety and hide themselves till the Lords indignation is passed.…

Life ….. Death ….. Life

The mindset of the athiest and unbeliever is that this life is all there is and when we die there is nothing after. For those who believe know this life is just a stepping stone into eternity with our Lord and Saviour we served while we lived! Although we go through this life being persecuted…

From Black and White to Color

Many of us have seen the classic movie the wizard of oz, and how exciting it was to see the black and white film all of a sudden turn to brilliant color! Our lives are in a way the same as scripture teaches us we are only passing through this temporary life known as written…